
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
P. H. Arnaud1979A catalogue of the types of Diptera in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences
C. F. Baker1904Reports on Californian and Nevadan Diptera, I
H. A. Beatty1944The insects of St. Croix, V. I
T. Becker1910Dipterologische Sammelreise nach Korsika
T. Becker1908Dipteren der Insel Madeira
T. Becker1902Die Meigen'schen Typen der sogenannten Muscidae acalypterae (Muscaria holometopa) in Paris und Wien
P. A. Berry1957Lista de insectos clasificados de El Salvador
M. Bezzi1908Ditteri Eritrei raccolti dal Dott. Andreini e dal Prof. Tellini. Parte Seconda (1)
G. E. Bohart, Gressitt J. L.1951Filth-inhabiting flies of Guam
W. E. Britton1920Check-list of the insects of Connecticut
E. H. Bryan1934A review of the Hawaiian Diptera, with descriptions of new species
J. E. Collin1911Additions and corrections to the British list of Muscidae Acalyptratae
D. W. Coquillett1902New acalyptrate Diptera from North America
L. Czerny, Strobl P. G.1909Spanische Dipteren. III. Beitrag
D. G. Denning, Pratt, J. J., Staebler, A. E., Wirth, W. W.1947A tabulation of insects recovered from aircraft entering the United States at Miami, Florida, during the period July 1943 through December 1944
G. Dodson, Daniels G.1988Diptera reared from _Dysoxylum gaudichaudianum_ (Juss.) Miq. at Iron Range, northern Queensland
T. Eisner, Eisner, M., Deyrup, M.1991Chemical attraction of kleptoparasitic flies to heteropteran insects caught by orb-weaving spiders
J. A. Encobet1912Datos para el conocimiento de la distribución geográfica de los Dipteros de España
R. Frey1958Zur Kenntnis der Diptera brachycera pp. der Kapverdischen Inseln
R. Frey1958Kanarische Diptera brachycera p.p., von Håkan Lindberg gesammelt
R. Frey1936Die Dipterenfauna der Kanarischen Inseln und ihre Probleme
R. Frey1921Studien über den Bau des Mundes der niederen Diptera Schizophora nebst Bermerkungen über die Systematik dieser Dipterengruppen
E. Gobert1887Catalogue des diptères de France
C. C. Gowdey1926Catalogus insectorum Jamaicensis. Order Diptera
W. Hackman1980A check list of the Finnish Diptera. II. Cyclorrhapha
D. E. Hardy1952Additions and corrections to Bryan's check list of the Hawaiian Diptera
F. Hendel1932Die Ausbeute der deutschen Chaco-Expedition. 1925/26. Diptera XXX-XXXVI
F. Hendel1911Über von Prof. J. M. Aldrich erhaltene und einige andere amerikanische Dipteren
F. Hendel1903Kritische Bemerkungen zur Systematik der Muscidae acalypteratae. I. Über die Sectio Milichiinae
W. Hennig1939Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Kopulationsapparates und der Systematik der Acalyptraten. II. Tethinidae, Milichiidae, Anthomyzidae und Opomyzidae
J. F. Illingworth1929_Desmometopa tarsalis_ Loew (Note)
C. W. Johnson1925Fauna of New England. 15. List of the Diptera or two-winged flies
C. W. Johnson1914The dipteran fauna of Bermuda
C. W. Johnson1913Insects of Florida. I. Diptera
C. W. Johnson1910Diptera of New Jersey
O. Karl1936Die Fliegenfauna Pommerns. Diptera Brachycera
F. Kowarz1873Beitrag zur Dipteren-Fauna Ungarns
H. Kramer1917Die Musciden der Oberlausitz
N. L. H. Krauss1945Notes on some Hawaiian Insects
A. Kuntze1913Dipterologische Sammelreise in Korsika des Herrn W. Schnuse in Dresden im Juni und Juli 1899
G. D. Landau, Gaylor M. J.1987Observations on commensal Diptera (Milichiidae and Chloropidae) associated with spiders in Alabama
D. Lee, Crust, M., Sabrosky, C. W.1956The Australasian Diptera of J. R. Malloch
E. F. Legner1970Attraction of _Hippelates_ eye gnats and other minute diptera to baits and man with considerations on competitive displacement by exotic non-problem species
E. Lindner1974Zur Kenntnis der Dipteren-Fauna Südwestafrikas, III. Diptera Acalyptratae
L. Lyneborg1969Some Micropezidae, Psilidae, Platystomidae, Otitidae, Pallopteridae, Odiniidae, Aulacigasteridae, Asteiidae and Milichiidae collected in Southern Spain, with descriptions of six new species
J. R. Malloch1924Notes on Australian Diptera. No iii
J. R. Malloch1914Formosan Agromyzidae
W. Mathis1989Diptera (Insecta) or true flies of the Pitcairn Group (Ducies, Henderson, Oeno and Pitcairn Islands)
C. D. Michener1971Notes on Crabonine Wasp nests
L. Papp1978Some cavernicolous Diptera of the Geneva Museum


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith